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Basics to Living in Australia

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

If you have or plan to come to Australia alone, I can understand it might be overwhelming or frightening for you. You do not know what to do, where to go and how to do anything; I too have been through it all.

On my very first trip on the bus, I did not pay the fare when travelling as we did not have a bus card back home. I did not know what a TFN number was nor did I know how to cross the road properly. All in all, I was a complete beginner when it comes to living independently.

That's why I would like to share some of the basics that all newbie should know when they are in Syndey:

💳 Opal Card: Think of this as your bank card but for transportation (regardless if it's for train or bus). Similar to an ATM card, make sure you have loaded the Opal card with sufficient funds. A key tip is to download the Opal Travel app which allows you to see your card balance, recharge your card and get weekly travel rewards after completing 8 travels.

🚉 TripView Lite: Since we are already on the topic of travelling, so why not! This is an app that lets you see the public transport timetable data for Sydney and Melbourne. It helps you check which platform you need to board to get to your destination. A pro tip is to look at your expected time of arrival rather than departure to save some time for yourself.

💵 Cash: Always have cash on you whenever you are out. I would say about $20-50 will suffice or have more if you plan on shopping. There is a fair chance of the POS systems not accepting your card so you might have to rely on cash for payment. Some stores also have a minimum amount that you need to spend for them to accept card payments (usually $10). This means if your purchase is below $10 then they will not accept payments via card.

🏠 Rent: If you are new probably stay with your relatives or close ones until you can afford to move out by yourself. And when you finally do, make sure you do not spend more than 25% of your income on rent (30% is like the standard rule of thumb but Sydney is expensive). If you think you are having trouble managing your finances effectively, consider asking for a slight pay raise.

📝 Budget: Budget like your life depends on it because trust me it does! Make a plan on all the expenses you might incur and have minimum spending for yourself. Be frugal with your finances until you are aware of the know-how of the lifestyle here and can confidently earn more than you spend.

🏦 Banks: Open a student account if that applies to you because banks will not charge you with any monthly bank fees. I suggest you consult someone or research before you choose your bank. I would like to recommend ING Australia and Commonwealth Bank's student account. CBA charges about a dollar or two for online purchases though. However, if you read my previous advice, it is complete NO for unnecessary expenses.

As this is becoming lengthy, I will add more tips in the future and even get specific on some important topics like housing and transportation.

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